Warcross is a YA science fiction novel by Marie Lu. The world no longer revolves around reality: it revolves around Warcross. More than just a game, Warcross is a virtual reality that has a fan base that spans the entire world. When Emika Chen hacks the opening game of the international Warcross Championships, she becomes an overnight celebrity. Not only that, but she catches the attention of the Warcross creator, Hideo Tanaka. Hideo immediately gives her a job and a place in the championship games. But Emika's investigation will unearth secrets she wasn't expecting.
Sex: There are a couple of mildly sensual scenes. They never go too far, but they have the potential to in future novels or even in the reader's imagination.
Language: Mild.
Drug/Alcohol Use: A few instances of drinking.
Violence/Gore/Frightening Scenes/Death: There are several fights and battles. A couple of deaths are talked about in the past tense as well.
Final Note: This is going to be an excellent series! I almost wish I'd waited to read it until all of the books were out. Marie Lu is a fantastic author who knows how to weave a brilliant story.
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