The Unwind Dystology is a series of YA dystopian novels by Neal Shusterman. Connor, Risa, and Lev are the three main characters in this four book series. The Second Civil War is over after new reproductive laws are passed. Abortions are no longer legal, but when a child is between the ages of thirteen and eighteen, their families can choose to have them "unwound." Unwinding takes all of a person's organs and transplants them into new donors. Unwinding can happen for several reasons. Connor was a problem child whose family just couldn't "handle" him anymore. Risa is the victim of an overcrowded group home. Lev is a tithe, a child designated by his parents from birth for unwinding. But these three manage to escape and start to challenge the way society views them. Will things ever change?
Sex: Sex is not a big aspect of this series, despite it's coverage of reproductive rights. There is a near sexual assault scene though, and there are two characters who are romantically involved. They spend the night together from time to time but no other details are ever given.
Language: Moderate.
Drug/Alcohol Use: There are some instances of drinking, but nothing extreme.
Violence/Gore/Frightening Scenes/Death: The entire premise of this series is very disturbing. It's definitely a dystopian thriller. Some of the unwinding scenes are pretty graphic so readers should just be aware of that. There are many deaths, wars, fights, and acts of violence.
Final Note: This was a unique series. It took me some time to make it through it because it really was quite disturbing. Neal Shusterman is a wonderful author, but the content was pretty heart-wrenching. I would just exercise caution before picking it up!
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