This Mortal Coil is a YA science fiction novel by Emily Suvada. Cat Agatta has been living on her own for years now. The Hydra virus has taken over the world and Cat has been hiding to escape infection. Her father, a gene-hacking genius, was taken away by the organization Cartaxus several years ago to help find a cure, but when Cole, a Cartaxus agent, shows up and tells Cat of her father's death, she discovers she must use her own hacking skills to find the cure herself.
Sex: It is alluded to in a couple of scenes, but never described in detail.
Language: Mild.
Drug/Alcohol Use: Some celebratory drinking.
Violence/Gore/Frightening Scenes/Death: Lots of suspense and death. There are also several gory scenes that are not for those with a weak stomach.
Final Note: This was an amazing dystopian novel! While the gore was a little heavy at times for me personally, the story was incredibly well-written and intriguing! I had a hard time putting this one down! I believe it's the first in a series, so there should be more to come. I also wouldn't be surprised if this is made into a movie in the future!
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