The Road to Ever After is a middle grade fiction novel by Moira Young. Davy David loves drawing pictures of angels. He's an orphan and too poor for pencil and paper, so he uses a broom to sweep his pictures into the dust. When the local minister, Reverend Fall, decides that he's had enough of Davy's art, he makes it his own personal mission to run Davy out of town. Luckily for Davy, he meets the elderly Miss Elizabeth Flint. She hires him to drive her to her childhood home, so that she can die on her own terms on Christmas Day. But there are more adventures on the open road than they expect.
Sex: None.
Language: None.
Drug/Alcohol Use: Miss Flint drinks a few times and lets Davy try a sip of something as well.
Violence/Gore/Frightening Scenes/Death: Miss Flint intends to kill herself. The local boys meanly destroy Davy's home. Death is a main topic.
Final Note: This was an eerie, but interesting, book. It reminded me a lot of books by Neil Gaiman. While not my favorite, it was definitely unique.
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