Renegades is a YA science fiction novel by New York Times' Bestselling Author Marissa Meyer. The first in a series, Renegades tells the story of Nova and Adrian, two teenagers with extraordinary abilities and secret identities. Nova, also known as Nightmare, the niece of a well-known Anarchist, hates the Renegades. Her one mission in life: to take them down. Especially their newest member, the Sentinel. Adrian, also known as the Sentinel, is the adopted son of the two most famous Renegades. He's also on a mission: to find the true identity of Nightmare.
Sex: None. There are some flirty scenes and Adrian was adopted by two dads, but romance isn't a huge aspect of this book.
Language: Mild.
Drug/Alcohol Use: None.
Violence/Gore/Frightening Scenes/Death: There are several battle scenes, fights, and deaths.
Final Note: This series is going to be amazing! I couldn't put this book down. Marissa Meyer is a phenomenal writer and I can't wait to see what happens in all of the books to come!
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