The World's Greatest Detective is a middle grade mystery novel by Caroline Carlson. Toby Montrose lives on Detective's Row with his uncle. When a chance to enter a crime-solving contest comes up, Toby decides he must enter and prove that he can really be a detective. But Toby, and his new friend Ivy, get a little more than they bargained for!
Sex: None. There are some comments about flirting, but nothing serious.
Language: None.
Drug/Alcohol Use: Mild wine drinking.
Violence/Gore/Frightening Scenes/Death: There are past deaths that are discussed and there is a murder case. There are a few suspenseful moments!
Final Note: I really enjoyed this one! Growing up, I loved Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys, and Encyclopedia Brown. This book was just as clever. It keeps readers guessing and is a story that will be entertaining for both boys and girls.
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