Moxie is a YA fiction novel by Jennifer Mathieu. Viv lives in a small town in Texas. Her high school is home to a football team who can do no wrong - even when they do. Sick of the sexist dress codes and harassment in the hallways, Viv decides to secretly start a revolution. Hiding her "zines" in the girls' bathrooms, she hopes to bring girls together and encourage them to use their voice.
Sex: There are no actual sex scenes, but sexual harassment, sexual comments, and sexual assault are all topics in this book.
Language: Moderate to high.
Drug/Alcohol Use: There are some instances of underage drinking.
Violence/Gore/Frightening Scenes/Death: There are two different instances of sexual assault that are discussed, one in detail.
Final Note: Viv was a great character. Knowing that there are many schools in our country that have the same issues as this one, I think it's important for females to know that they don't have to put up with it. This book speaks out strongly about sexual harassment, sexist rules, and the double standards that exist. I think it will help teenage girls feel brave enough to stand up and say something.
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