Midnight Without a Moon is a middle grade historical fiction novel by Linda Williams Jackson. Rose Lee Carter is a 13-year-old African-American girl living in 1950s Mississippi. Life is moving forward normally until Emmett Till, a 14-year-old African-American boy, is killed for allegedly whistling at a white woman. Now Rose must decide what is truly important: letting things stay the same or fighting for her rights.
Sex: There are mentions of unplanned teenage pregnancies. A character sneaks off to see a boy at night, but no details are told.
Language: None.
Drug/Alcohol Use: None.
Violence/Gore/Frightening Scenes/Death: The death of Emmett Till is very emotional and disturbing. While less graphic than some other books, this novel still shares details.
Final Note: I truly believe this book is a Newbery contender. Upper middle grades and high school students will learn a lot from this story. Rose is a likeable character and I can't wait to hear more of her story! This book is the first in a series.
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