Siren Sisters is a junior fiction novel by Dana Langer. Lolly's sisters are different from most girls. Instead of spending their nights sleeping, they are often called to the ocean to sing ships to their destruction. On her thirteenth birthday, Lolly will fully become a siren as well. But what if that isn't the life she wants?
Sex: None.
Language: None.
Drug/Alcohol Use: None.
Violence/Gore/Frightening Scenes/Death: There are several deaths. It's a known fact that the sisters sing for ships to crash, but the scenes aren't super graphic.
Final Note: I've read several books about sirens this year. This was the first junior fiction one I've read and it wasn't my favorite, but it was still pretty good. My biggest complaint is that the ending seemed rushed. But overall, Lolly was a very likeable character and the story was interesting.
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