Eliza and Her Monsters is a YA fiction novel by Francesca Zappia. Eliza is the creator of a web comic called Monstrous Sea. Monstrous Sea has a huge following and the fans know everything there is to know about it: except who the creator is. Eliza prefers to be completely anonymous. One day at school she meets Wallace, a huge fan of Monstrous Sea. They quickly become close, but Eliza holds on to her secret. When she is accidentally exposed, Eliza isn't sure how to move forward. Her life is no longer a secret. What will Wallace think?
Sex: There are no sex scenes, but Eliza's parents make a doctor's appointment for birth control when they find out she's hanging out with a boy. Eliza, as the narrator, often describes very vividly how she feels physically.
Language: Moderate. There isn't a lot, but it's strong when used.
Drug/Alcohol Use: None.
Violence/Gore/Frightening Scenes/Death: Suicide is discussed. A past death comes up in several conversations. Eliza struggles with anxiety.
Final Note: I loved this book! It was featured in the May OwlCrate and I've been waiting to read it. I felt like the author did a great job portraying teenage anxiety and how people feel like they're better able to relate and communicate behind screens instead of face to face. I think it will really speak to the current generation.
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