Between Two Skies is a YA historical fiction novel by Joanne O'Sullivan. Bayou Perdu is home to Evangeline. But when Hurricane Katrina strikes, Evangeline and her family are forced to move to Georgia to live with relatives until things can be put back together. Evangeline is torn between her new life and yearning for the old. When she connects with Tru, a fellow refugee, Evangeline finally begins to feel at peace. But how will life look now that everything is different?
Sex: Evangeline's sister comments that her boyfriend wants to be intimate. There are several heavy make out scenes between Evangeline and Tru. A friend of Evangeline's family is gay. Nothing is very detailed. It's all mostly mentioned in passing.
Language: None.
Drug/Alcohol Use: Danielle's mother gets drunk at a community event.
Violence/Gore/Frightening Scenes/Death: Several people are missing for awhile. A main character dies.
Final Note: It's hard to consider a book about Hurricane Katrina historical fiction. I remember when it happened just like it was yesterday. But 12 years have passed and I feel like this book accurately depicted what it was like for refugees. The characters are relatable and the story is engaging. I would highly recommend this for middle grade and high school students.
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