The Wolf's Boy is a junior fiction novel by Susan Williams Beckhorn. Kai had been cursed since birth. Born with a crooked leg, his family thought he wouldn't live and left him in the woods. But a mother wolf took Kai as her own and nursed him back to health. Kai's mother returned for him and brought him back to live with his people, but later in life, Kai discovered one of the mother wolf's offspring in trouble. He adopted this young wolf and named it Uff and together they formed a family of their own.
Sex: None.
Language: None.
Drug/Alcohol Use: None.
Violence/Gore/Frightening Scenes/Death: A couple of different suspenseful scenes between the people and the animals they are hunting. A mother and child are ripped from their hut by a wild cat and killed. Kai comes face to face with a bear. A few instances of bullying.
Final Note: I think this book would appeal to young male readers. Kai is seen as an outcast within his family and his people, but he really comes into his own and doesn't let his circumstances define him. There's also plenty of action and adventure.
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