Fortune Falls is a junior fantasy novel by Jenny Goebel. It isn't confirmed yet, but Sadie is pretty sure she's an Unlucky. Anytime she's around, things seem to go wrong. Her thirteenth birthday and the Spring Luck Test are both quickly approaching and Sadie is a nervous wreck. If she fails the Luck Test, she'll be sent to a boarding school for unlucky children. Is there any chance that someone as unlucky as she may find some luck before the test?
Sex: None. The characters are twelve and thirteen and while there's a few mentions of crushes, there's nothing serious.
Language: None.
Drug/Alcohol Use: None.
Violence/Gore/Frightening Scenes/Death: Sadie lost her father the year before and blames herself. All of the unlucky characters are in a constant state of worry and anxiety. Sadie's little brother goes missing for a little while. There's a suspenseful scene involving a train.
Final Note: A really cute fantasy novel for kids! The story line is unique and fun. I think both girls and boys alike would enjoy it.
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