American Street is a YA fiction novel by Ibi Zoboi. Fabiola Toussaint and her mother are returning to America from Haiti to live with her aunt and cousins. But when Fabiola's mother is detained and unable to enter the country, Fabiola must journey to Detroit alone. Now it's her job to fight not only for her mother, but for her family, and for herself.
Sex: A high level of sexual content. Not so much in actual sex scenes, as just in discussions between characters.
Language: High.
Drug/Alcohol Use: There are several drug dealers in this book. One of the main story lines surrounds a drug deal gone wrong. There is also a lot of underage drinking.
Violence/Gore/Frightening Scenes/Death: Fabiola's cousin has an abusive boyfriend. There are several violent scenes involving firearms. There are also a few fistfights. Finally, there are two deaths during the book and a couple of deaths that happened before the story.
Final Note: This book is not for the faint of heart. It's not an easy read, but it tells a story that most people have either never heard or don't want to hear.
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