Smile is a middle grade graphic novel by Raina Telgemeier, based on her own life. It tells the story of Raina, who fell outside of her house after a girl scout meeting and knocked her two front teeth out. Over the next several years, Raina goes through lots of dental work. She also finishes middle school and starts high school. Along the way, Raina learns what it means to have true friends and how to love herself.
Sex: None. A group plays spin the bottle at a party but Raina refuses to participate. Also, the boys at school pop bra straps when the girls start wearing them.
Language: None.
Drug/Alcohol Use: None.
Violence/Gore/Frightening Scenes/Death: Raina encounters some bullying from her so-called "friends."
Final Note: This was a lovely graphic novel about what it's like to go through that awkward stage in middle school, especially when wearing braces. It touches on real issues when dealing with classmates.
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