Cut is a YA fiction novel by author Patricia McCormick. Callie is a high school runner who has started cutting herself. Not only does she harm herself, but she doesn't feel like she can speak anymore. When a school nurse notices the scars on her arms, Callie is sent to a treatment facility called Sea Pines. While there, Callie is able to get to the root of her pain and begin healing.
Sex: None.
Language: Moderate.
Drug/Alcohol Use: Some of the patients at Sea Pines are drug abusers.
Violence/Gore/Frightening Scenes/Death: Callie cuts herself. Some of the girls at Sea Pines struggle with eating disorders. Some of the discussions in group are very emotional.
Final Note: Originally published in 2000, this book was one of the first books to explore cutting and self-harm in young girls. While difficult to read at times, it shows the raw reality of teenagers struggling with how to deal with their emotions and pain.
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