Orbiting Jupiter is a middle grade fiction novel by Gary D. Schmidt. Jack is in the 6th grade when his parents bring Joseph, a thirteen year old foster child, into their home. It soon comes to light that Joseph is a father. Joseph spends his days trying to figure out where his daughter it located and how he can see her.
Sex: There are no sex scenes in this book. Joseph mentions that his girlfriend's housekeeper found them in the living room "under a blanket." The story shares from the very beginning that Joseph is a father.
Language: Mild, mostly by Joseph's father.
Drug/Alcohol Use: Joseph's dad is a heavy drinker.
Violence/Gore/Frightening Scenes/Death: There are several deaths in this book. Joseph's father pulls a gun on Jack and his family. There is a scene where Joseph and Jack fall into an icy river.
Final Note: This is not your average middle grade novel. The material is pretty mature, but it's handled very delicately. Gary D. Schmidt touches on real issues and how there are always ways to be empathetic. I really enjoyed this one, even if it was quite sad.
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