Lost in the Sun is a middle grade fiction novel by Lisa Graff. It was a Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year. Twelve year old Trent is having a hard time playing sports again after he accidentally killed a classmate with a stray hockey puck. He withdraws from his friends and family and spends his time writing in his Book of Thoughts. When Trent becomes friends with Fallon, the girl with the scar on her face, he slowly starts to change his outlook on life and begins moving forward.
Sex: None. Trent and Doug tease their older brother about having a girlfriend.
Language: There are a few mild curse words.
Drug/Alcohol Use: None.
Violence/Gore/Frightening Scenes/Death: Trent accidentally killed a classmate with a hockey puck. Fallon often jokes about different ways she got the scar on her face. Trent loses his temper sometimes and gets in a fistfight with a boy from school. A few instances of bullying.
Final Note: Middle school is already emotional as it is, but when you add a tragedy on top, life gets especially difficult. This was a great book for both boys and girls. Trent has many positive influences in his life. His homeroom teacher and his coach are both very encouraging and refuse to let Trent stay stuck in his rut. I enjoyed this one a lot!
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