King's Cage is a YA fiction novel by Victoria Aveyard. It is the third installment in the Red Queen series. Mare Barrow, also known as the lightning girl, has surrendered herself to Maven and is being kept as his prisoner. Told from three different perspectives, the Red Queen saga continues, with the voices of Evangeline and Cameron included with Mare.
Sex: There are a couple of scenes that let the reader know characters have had sex, but they aren't graphic. Also, one of the main characters comes out as gay.
Language: Mild.
Drug/Alcohol Use: None.
Violence/Gore/Frightening Scenes/Death: As in every Red Queen book, there are wars and battle scenes. People die and they usually die violently. This is a typical dystopian YA series, similar to the Hunger Games and Divergent.
Final Note: What can I say? I love this series! I've reviewed the first two books already and this one did not disappoint. I especially loved being able to see things from Evangeline and Cameron's point of views. The second book in the series, Glass Sword, was not my favorite, but King's Cage was much better. I can't wait for the fourth book - Victoria Aveyard has already confirmed that the series will continue!
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