The Distance to Home is a junior fiction novel by Jenn Bishop. It follows the story of Quinnen, a twelve year old girl who loves baseball. Each chapter switches from present time to the summer before, when Quinnen's sister Haley died.
Sex: No sex, but there's a scene where Haley sneaks off with her boyfriend during Quinnen's baseball game and comes back with a "purplish bruise" on her neck. Quinnen doesn't know how to feel about her sister having a boyfriend. There's also a scene where her mom talks about taking her bra shopping.
Language: None.
Alcohol/Drug Use: None.
Violence/Gore/Frightening Scenes/Death: Quinnen's older sister died the year before. Most of the book is about the events leading up to her death and how Quinnen is dealing with it afterward.
Final Note: A really good book for any young person who has lost someone close to them. It showed the relationship between sisters and how sometimes that relationship changes as people get older. I also really enjoyed the baseball aspect. Quinnen plays for a baseball team, not an all-girls' softball team. Her family also hosts a minor league baseball player for the summer. It was neat to learn about host families!
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