Ghost is a YA fiction novel by Jason Reynolds and a National Book Award finalist! Castle Cranshaw, otherwise known as Ghost, lives alone with his mom. Often in trouble at school, Ghost's life takes a different turn after finding a city track team.
Sex: None.
Language: None.
Alcohol/Drug Use: A mention of beer. Two different fathers are described as "drunks."
Violence/Gore/Frightening Scenes/Death: Ghost's dad is in jail because he tried to shoot Ghost and his mom. Ghost beats up a boy at school for making fun of him. A member of the track team shares about losing his mom. Ghost engages in some shoplifting.
Final Note: Another great book for boys. This book really shows how important community members can be for kids who may not have strong male figures in their lives. Ghost is not only close to Coach, but also to a local shopkeeper in town. It also shows how sports can be a great outlet and how being on a team can help kids and teenagers feel like they belong.
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