Wolf Hollow by Lauren Wolk is a junior fiction novel set between the World Wars. The main character, Annabelle, has befriended an odd war veteran who lives nearby. When a new girl moves to town, who turns out to be a huge bully, situations escalate quickly and Annabelle has some big decisions to make.
Sex: None. Betty, the bully, has a crush on her classmate, Andy, and this is discussed from time to time.
Violence/Gore/Death/Frightening Scenes: Annabelle is hit with a stick by another character. Annabelle's brother is cut with a wire. A classmate loses her eye when someone hits her with a rock. War is discussed. I won't say who, but characters do die in the book. A girl goes missing for awhile and her injuries are described in graphic detail.
Language: None.
Alcohol/Drug Abuse: None.
Final Note: This book wrecked me! I'm a huge fan of To Kill a Mockingbird and this book has been called the modern day version. I completely agree with that statement! I loved this book so much and could read it again and again. This is yet another contender for the Newbery Award!
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