Red Queen is a YA dystopian fantasy series by Victoria Aveyard. As of January 9, 2017, two novels and 3 novellas have been published in this series.
So far, I've read the first two novels, Red Queen and Glass Sword. I've also read one novella, Cruel Crown. (Cruel Crown combines the stories Queen Song and Steel Scars.)
The third book in this series, King's Cage, is set to release February 7, 2017.
Sex: There are certainly allusions to intimate relationships, but nothing is graphic.
Violence/Gore/Death/Frightening Scenes: The stories center around two types of people: Reds, who bleed red and who are supposed to be "ordinary," and Silvers who bleed silver and have unique talents. War and resistance are prevalent in the series. Many people die. Many people are injured. There are instances of kidnapping. The death of children in war is also discussed. There is a lot of suspense. But this is a YA series and appropriately so.
Language: Mild.
Alcohol and Drug Abuse: Mild alcohol use.
Final Note: A good series for teens who enjoyed the Hunger Games or Divergent. It adds a fantasy aspect that's intriguing. I find it pretty mild compared to the Hunger Games. I can't wait for King's Cage to come out!
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