Never Fall Down by Patricia McCormick is a YA novel that is based on the true story of Arn Chorn-Pond, a survivor of the Cambodian genocide of 1975-1979.
Sex: The book speaks of rape, but not in detail. Arn is molested by a Khmer Rouge girl and it's a little graphic.
Violence/Gore/Death/Frightening Scenes: This book is not for the faint of heart. There is a lot of very detailed violence. Things that Arn actually experienced, witnessed, or committed are written very plainly for the reader. There is a lot of death. The book is very disturbing, and the fact that it's based on actual events makes it even more shocking.
Language: Moderate use of cursing throughout the book.
Alcohol/Drug Abuse: Mild use.
Final Note: I had to read this book in bits and pieces because it hurt my heart. I think it's important for Americans especially to be aware of atrocities that can or have already taken place in other countries. It was vital for Arn to share his story so that American attention was brought to Cambodia. Although it's not an easy read, it's definitely educational and worth picking up, for those who can handle it.
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